The Film Box Office 



Writing a Logline that Sells: Turning Your Script into a Powerful Pitch

On Monday, May 27th at 3pm PST/6pm EST

I'm teaching my free online class:

Writing a Logline that Sells:

Turning Your Script into a Powerful Pitch

Why is a logline important?

It helps filmmakers communicate their story idea in a concise and impactful way.

Additionally, a well-crafted logline can capture the attention of potential investors, producers, and audiences,

making it an essential tool for marketing and pitching a film. When you can bring the essence of the story

into a single sentence, a logline can create interest and excitement around the project,

leading to potential opportunities for funding and production.

Come and learn the elements of how you create a powerful pitch for you script at our masterclass:

Writing a Logline that Sells: Turning Your Script into a Powerful Pitch


Monday, May 27 at 3pm PST/6pm EST for one hour and a half

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Filmmaker Success 

Monthly Workshop Series


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